Tsubaki Studio? belongs to who ?
I was invited. :S
4th Oct 2008
Somebody brought Big Apple Donuts. Me and PC brought Satay.

bunny wanna gets to know the mushrooms brothers.

bunny was exploring all the toys...

and amazing figures...

and Mickey + Minnie...

and a new friend... :X

Oh.. and Evvvvvaaa...
The owners' creation... Miss Hua ...
my fav bunny character
is that kitty ?
oh , pei chee...
wao... big elmo san!
i m eating the ant alike looking creature.
who is going to poke me? what is peichee doing at the back?
Big vs Small
whose broken arm ?

me with my usual stylo pose [since when?]
super women
pei chee + the owner, Jay Lim
pretty vivian
A very happening night. Get to know quite a numbers of new friend which are actually my junior. felt so old suddenly. I ate too much that night. Why i said that ? Because after the event when i look back all the photos, i looked fat in there... my gosh...